Property Photography - Interior and Exterior

Our team of professional photographers produce high quality images of your property in a fast 24 hour turnaround time and
we also provide an image correction service to show your properties in the best possible light
Tips for preparing for interior and exterior photography
When marketing any property one of the most painful things to see is poor photography. A good quality camera in
the hands of a professional will do your property justice with both interior photography and exterior photography. Unless you
are proficient in high end photography and post production skills then it's probably best you leave the photography to us.
Here is a quick guide on how to make the most of your property and get the best interior and exterior photography
shots you can:
Exterior photography:
Hide wheelie bins and move cars. Tidy the front garden and path to the property. We know it's a
pain but grab the mower out mow the lawn! Set out garden furniture and tidy the little ones' toys away.
Interior photography:
Clear clutter and put utensils away. Open blinds and curtains. Bins are unsightly and not everyone loves Rex the dog so
hide away the pet food bowls. Interior photography relies on clean lines and well lit areas. Where possible hide away wires
and if needs be unplug appliances and hide the cables. Lighting is king so if it's grey outside ensure lights work which will
give a warm homely feel to your property.